Thursday, June 30, 2011

In the Company of Angels

The following is a message I received in meditation from the Angels:

You are not alone.  You are deeply cared for, guided and protected by Our love. We are here to help heal places of disappointments and heartaches.  We are here to help you release the hurt and pain that you have carried for so long.  Our desire is to relieve your suffering from the wounding that is taking place individually, collectively, and globally. 

Will you receive Our invitation to embrace this consciousness of light?  Will you let Us strengthen and empower your dreams? Will you receive the blessings waiting for you,?  Will you engage with Us in a way that truly opens your heart to receive Our inspiration?
Artist unknown: would like to acknowledge!
We are here to heal, to guide, to inspire, to protect you, and to comfort you on your path of evolvement, awakening, and enlightenment.  We whisper to you; “Nothing will stop you, nothing will deter you, and nothing will keep you from accomplishing that which you set out to do.”  We will tender the patterns, judgments, evaluations, and belief systems that burden and lock you into feelings of unworthiness. We are your greatest advocates because We champion the champion in you. 

Let Our messages and miracles illuminate and inspire the radiant star you truly are. Your unique abilities are God’s gift to you. What you do with them is your gift to God.

Yes, these are bold claims and passionate promises. That is who We are…powerful Divine partners…the original Attractor Factors.  Are you willing to trust Us and what We offer?    If you are jaded or wary or uncertain because this sounds too good to be true, then feel all of that and receive Our love anyway.  For whether or not you believe in Us…We believe in you. 

Dare to boldly step into Our reality of Hope, of Happiness and of Heaven on Earth.


To arrange for your personal Angel Reading:
Call Joyea at cell: 505-459-6212  or home in Sedona, AZ (928)284-4243

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Solstice Blessing

Below is a beautiful meditative prayer for the Solstice.  
I hope it is a blessing of abundance and prosperity for your summer. 
This was sent to me by Shakti, who received it from Angela of the Blessing Bowls:

 Great Spirit ... guide me to the
 light, with-in my heart.

 May I shine like the rays of the
 sun ... bringing my special gift
 to the world, as I bask in the
 warmth of the summer solstice.

 Grant me the grace to grow
 the seeds of my inner wisdom.

 Allow the transformational fire
 of my passion, to give me vitality.

 Illuminate my life with clarity and

 Bless me with love and joy,
 as I celebrate my oneness.

 And so it is...

 Love, Joyea

Image found via Google search: credited to

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

7 Steps To Help You Connect With Your Angels

Asking an Angel for help is one of our most powerful spiritual practices.   We can ask the Angels for immediate help at any time and in any place.

A Jewish Proverb says that…”Every blade of grass has an Angel bending over it saying, ‘Grow, Grow!”

Just as every person has one or more Guiding Angels to help and assist us, so too does every human activity-partnerships, businesses, organizations and relationships in which the Angels preside and partner with us offering grace, assistance and blessings.  Call upon your Angels for everything!

Here are 7 Steps that will help you:

1)   Ask for help – Angels offer us help 24/7 and the more receptive we are, the more help They can give us.  If you diminish your receptivity you limit the Angels’ ability to help you.  Create your own invocations, or prayers, that specifically call for the help you need. Realize that when you call upon an Angel, what really happens is that you open yourself into greater receptivity for Their assistance.

2)   Realize yourself as fully worthy of Angelic assistance – Angels  work with everyone regardless of personal histories and beliefs.  Angels are infinite and omnipresent-your request does not diminish Them in any way, nor does it affect Their ability to be with and help everyone at the same time.  They exist beyond our experience of time and space.  They respond to everyone with complete unconditional love.

3)   Connect with your inner divine child – Connect with your inner divine child as you call on the Angels and ask for help.  Your divine child is whole, innocent and true and recognizes the Angels as pure and trustworthy gifts of the Creator.  This will help create openness, receptivity, excitement, eagerness and wonder as you prepare to receive the gifts your Angels have prepared for you.

4)  Hand everything over to the Angels – Practice doing this especially
during your time of invocation and prayer.  Place every issue,
problem, worry, or fear as well as every good intention and positive
outcome you imagine as the result of your request, into the hands of
your Angels.  Let go and release all expectations of how your request
will be answered.

5) Express Appreciation and Gratitude – Find and express genuine
appreciation and gratitude for your life exactly as it is.  If you are struggling with this, ask the Angels to help you find the love that is present in whatever difficulty you are facing.  Have patience with this and let go of any expectations of how the love may be revealed to you.  Love is infinite and you will find ever-deepening levels of your awareness to presence the love as you follow this practice.

6)   Know that it is done – Every prayer is answered and grace is always  
given.  If you fear that your prayer will not be answered, then ask for
help in understanding and seeing your answered prayer more clearly.
Trust that you will see the love in every answered prayer.  You are known completely and loved unconditionally by the Angels.  Nothing that will serve you is ever withheld from you.

7)   Act quickly on the guidance you receive – Accept the opportunity and act upon it    immediately.  Angelic help is infinite and unlimited- You can not use it up or run out of it.  You cannot ask for “too much” and the Angels are joyously happy to give to you without limit.  The faster you act, the faster you receive more assistance!

Then Remember to…

Celebrate yourself exactly as you are in the moment – Leave any critical judgments or negative feelings about yourself, your life, or others in the hands of the Angels for healing.  Even if it is just for a few moments, let go of everything that is not of love for yourself and everything around you.  In this moment of surrender, much more can be done for you by the Angels than you can accomplish on your own.  Acknowledge yourself for making a choice of love and reaching out for the Angels.  Thank the Angels for Their assistance. Feel the deep love and adoration your Angels have for you.

I came across this message, written by Christopher James Dilts and heard to share it with you.

courtesy Risera of MOS Angels ning group